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Enjoy Mr. Somchai's Love Garden.

Find your info while exploring his sculpture garden.

We invite you to walk in silence to absorb the art and nature with love to yourself. 



In 1984, as a young man from Myanmar, Mr. Somchai arrived on Koh Mak to work on the rubber plantations. Soon he developed a passion for crafting female sculptures and his earnings made as a rubber farmer were used to buy concrete. 

Mr. Somchai crafted more than 70 voluptuous female sculptures, leaving behind a legacy of creativity and love. He passed away peacefully on Koh Mak on November 16, 2023.

--> You're invited to walk alongside the tales of the mermaids and traverse over the turtle sculptures. His art works are among a few in the world that you're encouraged to walk upon, inviting you to immerse yourself into his magical world of art and love. 

The above picture is probably the last picture taken of Mr. Somchai alive, 17 days before his death, by Benny Lagerhult of Utopia Bar.

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Mr. Somchai said "I love the female body", this is shown by the many provocative sculptures in his garden. Here, the females are naked, which is contrary to the sculptures you may have noticed alongside the roads of Koh Mak, and nearby Ao Nid. 

--> Look at the next picture and don't miss the entrance to Mr. Somchai's house.  



Mr. Somchai lived in this wooden house for over 20 years. He had water and electricity yet no bed or furnitures. He lived around his art, and slept next to his lady sculpture. He did not need friends as he imagined a world inside of his own mind. 

--> Have a look inside the house passing his gummy boots. 



Mr. Somchai was a clever, creative and self taught artist. In the midst of all the sculptures, you can see the round well for the water supply. Mr. Somchai created fountains of water spilling from breasts and vulvas. He painted his sculptures, as you can see, on some of his more recent female sculptures. Black eyes, red lips and nipples. Hence the red in the logo. It was Mr. Somchai who planted all the bamboo here. He called his garden "his own earthly paradise".

--> Continue getting lost in his world, don't miss out on the mushroom sculptures. 

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Mr. Somchai was born in Myanmar on June 3, 1959. He passed away peacefully in his sleep at the age of 64. 

While clearing out his personal belongings I found his precious tools closely to his place of rest. It was as if he was protecting his tools.

He said he did not care what other people said about him. "He preferred living in solitude to obtain true freedom"

--> Look out for the unfinished sculpture on the next picture.

This sculpture will never be finished by Mr. Somchai... Yet you can see how he created his concrete sculpture structures. Thankfully, he leaves us his legacy and garden full of love and art.

As a true artist, he believed he had to be alone to be free. Mr. Somchai never spoke or returned to his family in Myanmar.

--> I hope you enjoyed your visit, the love and art thanks you too!



"It is not easy to be crazy like this" are his own words. Yet, he was an inherent content man!

Mr. Somchai died sleeping next to his lady sculpture, and was cremated in the Temple of Koh Mak on November 18, 2023. 

His wish was for his art to remain for 100 years. That is why I founded the Love Garden.

--> Help us and donate below or in the box. 

Mr. Somchai, the gardeners and I thank you for your support. 

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